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Art.-Nr.: BS 1010
Manufactured by: Medentika


Titanium base - 2nd generation - BS series for the Bego® implant system.

D 4,1 - GH 0,1

Chimney height: 3.5 mm

Screw: BS 60

Art.-Nr.: BS 1110
Manufactured by: Medentika


Titanium base - 2nd generation - BS series for the Bego® implant system.

D 4,1 - GH 0,1

Chimney height: 5.5 mm

Screw: BS 60

Art.-Nr.: BS 1020
Manufactured by: Medentika


Titanium base - 2nd generation - BS series for the Bego® implant system.

D 4,5 - GH 0,1

Chimney height: 3.5 mm

Screw: BS 60

Art.-Nr.: BS 1120
Manufactured by: Medentika


Titanium base - 2nd generation - BS series for the Bego® implant system.

D 4,5 - GH 0,1

Chimney height: 5.5 mm

Screw: BS 60

Art.-Nr.: BS 1030
Manufactured by: Medentika


Titanium base - 2nd generation - BS series for the Bego® implant system.

D 5,5 - GH 0,1

Chimney height: 3.5 mm

Screw: BS 60

Art.-Nr.: BS 1130
Manufactured by: Medentika


Titanium base - 2nd generation - BS series for the Bego® implant system.

D 5,5 - GH 0,1

Chimney height: 5.5 mm

Screw: BS 60

Art.-Nr.: BS 1600-1-SF
Manufactured by: Medentika


Titanium base ASC Flex- BS series for the Bego® implant system.

D 3,25/3,75-PS

GH 0,6

Chimney height: 3.5-6.5 mm

Screw: BS 61

Art.-Nr.: BS 1610-1-SF
Manufactured by: Medentika


Titanium base ASC Flex- BS series for the Bego® implant system.

D 4,1-PS

GH 0,45

Chimney height: 3.5-6.5 mm

Screw: BS 61

Art.-Nr.: BS 1510
Manufactured by: Medentika


Titanium base - 2nd generation - BS series for the Bego® implant system.

D 4,1 - GH 0,15

Chimney height: 3.5 mm

Screw: BS 60

Art.-Nr.: BS 1620-1-SF
Manufactured by: Medentika


Titanium base ASC Flex- BS series for the Bego® implant system.

D 4,5-PS

GH 0,15

Chimney height: 3.5-6.5 mm

Screw: BS 61

Art.-Nr.: BS 1520
Manufactured by: Medentika


Titanium base - 2nd generation - BS series for the Bego® implant system.

D 4,5 - GH 0,15

Chimney height: 3.5 mm

Screw: BS 60

Art.-Nr.: BS 1630-1-SF
Manufactured by: Medentika


Titanium base ASC Flex- BS series for the Bego® implant system.

D 5,5-PS

GH 0,3

Chimney height: 3.5-6.5 mm

Screw: BS 61

Art.-Nr.: BS 1400
Manufactured by: Medentika


Scanbody / incl. retaining screw - 2nd generation D 3,25-5,5 for the BEGO/Semados® Implant System.

Art.-Nr.: BS 9000-R
Manufactured by: Medentika


PreFace abutment D 11,5 for the BEGO Implant Systems/Semados® S - SC - SCX - RI - RS- RSX Implant system.

Blank diameter: 11,5mm

Art.-Nr.: BS 9000-16R
Manufactured by: Medentika


PreFace abutment D 16 for the BEGO Implant Systems/Semados® S - SC - SCX - RI - RS- RSX Implant system.

Blank diameter: 16mm

Art.-Nr.: BS 9800-16R
Manufactured by: Medentika


PreFace-Abutment D 16,0 BEGO Implant System/Semados® S - SC- SCX -RI - RS RSX Implant System.

Blank diameter: 16mm

Art.-Nr.: BEG 5.DIM.410
Manufactured by: NT-TRADING

Ab €25.90

BEG-Series for the BEGO/Semados® Implant System.

Ab €25.90
Optionen wählen
Art.-Nr.: BESM2403H
Manufactured by: Orange CAD


Laboratory analog 5,0 blue

Art.-Nr.: BESM2404H
Manufactured by: Orange CAD


Laboratory analog 5,0 blue

Art.-Nr.: BESM2405H
Manufactured by: Orange CAD


Laboratory analog 5.5 yellow

Art.-Nr.: BESM2401H
Manufactured by: Orange CAD


Laboratory analog 3.25/3.75 blue

Art.-Nr.: BS 60
Manufactured by: Medentika


BS-Serie (BEGO Implant Systems / Semados®* S/SC/SCX/RS/RSX/RI)

Art.-Nr.: BS 61
Manufactured by: Medentika


BS-Serie (BEGO Implant Systems / Semados®* S/SC/SCX/RS/RSX/RI)

Art.-Nr.: BS 1800
Manufactured by: Medentika


Titanium base ASC Flex rotating- BS series for the Bego® implant system.

D 3,25/3,75-PS

GH 0,6

Chimney height: 3.5-6.5 mm

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