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3D printer

3D printer

They differ in terms of printing technology, the size of the build platform and accuracy, as well as the number and quality of compatible materials: 3D printers. Some have even been specially developed for dental applications. The wide range of the xDEPOT makes the search for the right device much easier.

xPRINT - 8K Ultra HD LCD (incl. 2L xRESIN®)

Art.-Nr.: xPRINT8k
Manufactured by: xDEPOT
€2,365.50 €2,490.00

ELEGOO Saturn 4 (12K Drucker, inkl 2l xRESIN)

Art.-Nr.: XD_ElegooS4_12k
Manufactured by: xDEPOT

xSLICE Printer Software (CAM Slicing)

Art.-Nr.: xSLICE_200-001
Manufactured by: xDEPOT

DELL Precision 3660 + TFT Monitor

Art.-Nr.: 101818-DELL+TFT
Manufactured by: DELL

DEKEMA trix™ print²

Art.-Nr.: 106584
Manufactured by: DEKEMA

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