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xCAD DICOM Viewer (Exocad - Add on Modul)

zzgl. MwSt. (19%)

Visualization of voxel data during the design process.
exocad's DentalCAD platform optionally includes the DICOM Viewer module*, which enables the visualization of voxel data from CT devices during the planning of dental restorations.

CAD modules can only be unlocked for the xCAD version of exocad!


Dongle Nummer eingeben

* Sie müssen Ihre gültige Dongle-Nummer eingeben (Pflichtfeld) und speichern.

Get enthused about the high-speed processing of large CBCT files. Driven by optimized data handling algorithms and snappy graphics rendering, the DICOM Viewer provides market-leading DICOM loading and visualization speeds.

*Note: DICOM Viewer is not for diagnostic/medical purposes.

Annual upgrade / update fee from the 2nd year = 80€

The General Terms and Conditions of Exocad apply: https://shop.exocad.com/agb#upgrades

(the freezing of the CAD software is possible, but must be submitted to us in writing at min. 2 months before the expiration of a license period)




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