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xCAD Virtual Articulator (Exocad - Add on Module)

zzgl. MwSt. (19%)

Simulation of jaw movements The virtual articulator enables dynamic occlusion to be taken into account when creating any restorations with occlusion.


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With the help of a scanner that also supports virtual articulation, the positioning of plaster models in the physical articulator can be precisely transferred to the software. In this way you can easily achieve results that are individually tailored to your patients. Parameters such as condyle angle, Bennett angle and immediate side shift can be set like in a physical articulator. In combination with the Jaw Motion Import module, further parameters can be imported from jaw registration systems.

Annual upgrade / update fee from the 2nd year = €80

The General Terms and Conditions of Exocad apply: https://shop.exocad.com/agb#upgrades

(the freezing of the CAD software is possible, but must be submitted to us in writing at min. 2 months before the expiration of a license period)




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