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DREVE - FotoDent® tray2 blue 385/405nm

zzgl. MwSt. (19%)
zzgl. Versandkosten / Lieferzeiten 7-10 working days

FotoDent® tray- 385nm und 405nm (1000g)

Color: blue / transparent

Compatible with all DLP and LCD 3D printers


xRESIN FotoDent® tray 385/405 nm Biocompatible, light-curing plastic for the manufacture of individual dental impression trays. High reactivity with low viscosity. The finished impression trays have a homogeneous surface, which significantly reduces manual rework.

More information about flexural strength & gt; 75 MPa elongation at break & gt; 5% Young's modulus ≥ 2,000 MPa final hardness & gt; 80 Shore D color green viscosity approx. 1 Pa s container size 1 kg bottle

Compatible: xPRINT, DEKEMAtrix, envisiontec, rapidshape, ASIGA

Manufacturer: Dreve




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