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Imes-Icore Coritec ONE+®

zzgl. MwSt. (19%)
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The CORiTEC one + is the high-end model in the chairside area. Due to the 5-axis simultaneous technology, in addition to the 1-fold universal holder, the C-clamp holder and the blank holder can also be integrated. This generates new application options and more flexibility when producing the desired tooth restoration. The compact and stable basic structure of the machine enables precise work in block and circular form.

511016 10100


The new CORiTEC one+® is the perfect choice for processing all common CAD/CAM blocks and discs with a diameter of 98.5 mm. With the new, extremely stable axis kinematics, the machine is also able to mill prefabricated abutments. The high-quality cast aluminum construction ensures maximum stability with a minimum footprint. An integrated high-performance PC and a 10'1" HD touchscreen display support convenient and ergonomic operation. A single block holder with ten tool positions and an intelligent tool change function guarantee an economical, safe and fast machining process with the highest quality. In combination with all open scanners, the CORiTEC one+ is ideal for all dental practices, practice laboratories and clinics. As a supplementary system for the specialized processing of glass ceramics, zirconium oxide, composite and pre-milled abutments, the CORiTEC one+ leaves nothing to be desired for clinics, laboratories and milling centers.

ONE+ Highlights:
- 5-axis simultaneous machining
- Wet and dry machining of all common material blocks as well as prefabricated abutments
- Dry machining of pre-sintered zirconium oxide
- processing of glass ceramics, lithium disilicate, feldspar ceramics, zirconium oxide, aluminum oxide, wax, PMMA, plastic, hybrid ceramics
- processing of premilled abutment systems (Ti,CoCr)
- Integration of blanks with blank holder (98 mm) and C-Clamp holder possible
- incl. 1x glass ceramic adapter, 1x universal holder, 6x glass ceramic adapter, blank holder 98 mm
- 10x tool changer < br /> - integrated control PC with 10.1" touch display incl. Smart Control™ control software
- no external compressed air required
- integrated ionizer
- innovative cooling/filtering system for easy handling
- modern, high-quality and ergonomic machine design
- efficient Milling spindle with 100,000 rpm

Manufacturer: Imes-Icore

511016 10100



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