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xRESIN® Gingiva / 385-405nm (pink & flexible)

zzgl. MwSt. (19%)
zzgl. Versandkosten / Lieferzeiten

xRESIN® Gingiva / 385nm und 405nm (500g).

Light-curing 3D printing resin

  • for the fabrication of gingival masks
  • for esthetically demanding work
  • easy to grind
  • soft material


xRESIN® Gingiva is a light-curing acrylic-based resin for the fabrication of customized 3D-printed gingival masks. It is suitable for all geometries of gingival masks. xRESIN® Gingiva can be used in all 3D printers with DLP process with LED 405 nm or with UV LED 385 nm.

  • Color: pink
  • Wavelength: 385 to 405 nm
  • Layer thickness: 100 µm

Storage method:

Store the product dry and protected from light in the original packaging at room temperature (between 4 °C and 25 °C). Even slight exposure to light can lead to polymerization. Close the packaging tightly after use. After the expiration date, the handling and product properties of the material can no longer be guaranteed. See label for shelf life.




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